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28 when_apr30l 2015, 11:30
LidaPoruchnik renewed photo:
SerGo999 wrote
28 when_apr12l 2015, 10:12
28 when_apr42l 2015, 09:42
Mashka99 renewed photo:
28 when_apr28l 2015, 09:28
Hristina renewed photo:
28 when_apr26l 2015, 09:26
Hristina renewed photo:
28 when_apr11l 2015, 09:11
Kono10 are now friends with Анастейша16
28 when_apr09l 2015, 09:09
Kono10 are now friends with Iarmolenko98
28 when_apr09l 2015, 09:09
tonya09 are now friends with Kono10
28 when_apr08l 2015, 09:08
Kono10 are now friends with tonya09
28 when_apr07l 2015, 09:07
tonya09 are now friends with Анет13
28 when_apr06l 2015, 09:06
tonya09 are now friends with Анастейша16
28 when_apr05l 2015, 09:05
tonya09 are now friends with Кет10
28 when_apr05l 2015, 09:05
tonya09 are now friends with Iarmolenko98
28 when_apr04l 2015, 06:04
prianikya renewed photo:
Oleg10Class wrote
27 when_apr26l 2015, 21:26
Не хочу писати Контрольну роботу з інформатики
26 when_apr33l 2015, 18:33
lotta renewed photo:
tarantino777 wrote
26 when_apr18l 2015, 14:18
Вирішив згадати старі часи. повернувся на розмову)
Mastak wrote
25 when_apr50l 2015, 12:50
24 when_apr22l 2015, 17:22
ксюша17 renewed photo:
24 when_apr42l 2015, 12:42
Борзый are now friends with Ukr9
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