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29 when_apr13l 2015, 23:13
Lady3 renewed photo:
29 when_apr13l 2015, 23:13
Lady3 renewed photo:
28 when_apr59l 2015, 19:59
Directioner renewed photo:

Gali Gali
30 when_apr46l 2015, 00:46

28 when_apr06l 2015, 14:06
12344321 are now friends with stefanets
28 when_apr52l 2015, 13:52
stefanets are now friends with DimsLion
28 when_apr45l 2015, 13:45
DimsLion are now friends with Autumn
28 when_apr44l 2015, 13:44
DimsLion are now friends with 12344321
28 when_apr44l 2015, 13:44
DimsLion are now friends with stefanets
28 when_apr43l 2015, 13:43
Татяна are now friends with chekh
28 when_apr42l 2015, 13:42
Татяна are now friends with Джедай
28 when_apr41l 2015, 13:41
Татяна are now friends with SFHT
28 when_apr40l 2015, 13:40
Джедай are now friends with chekh
28 when_apr40l 2015, 13:40
chekh are now friends with Джедай
28 when_apr39l 2015, 13:39
Джедай are now friends with SFHT
28 when_apr34l 2015, 13:34
stefanets are now friends with Autumn
28 when_apr30l 2015, 13:30
chekh are now friends with SFHT
chekh wrote to SFHT
28 when_apr30l 2015, 13:30
о приет
28 when_apr24l 2015, 12:24
Valya1997 renewed photo:
28 when_apr50l 2015, 11:50
gardenAlien renewed photo:
28 when_apr30l 2015, 11:30
LidaPoruchnik renewed photo:
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