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13 when_apr27l 2013, 16:27
Мся added 2 photos to the album Миу))):
Ашатан wrote
13 when_apr23l 2013, 14:23
Предвкушаю что-нить новое......
Савант wrote to _июлька_
13 when_apr00l 2013, 10:00

_июлька_ _июлька_
А вместо крестиков подпись на мизинце : Илья)))))
16 when_apr44l 2013, 12:44
Савант Савант
Метко замечено Юленька=)
16 when_apr25l 2013, 17:25

13 when_apr34l 2013, 03:34
Leopard2013 are now friends with Pripevochka
13 when_apr04l 2013, 01:04
Mika_ renewed photo:
12 when_apr56l 2013, 18:56
lina1990 renewed photo:
12 when_apr55l 2013, 15:55
Эсмеральда renewed photo:
12 when_apr00l 2013, 01:00
NESTOR renewed photo:
12 when_apr00l 2013, 01:00
NESTOR renewed photo:
12 when_apr59l 2013, 00:59
NESTOR renewed photo:
11 when_apr06l 2013, 21:06
Sirco are now friends with Andriy10
11 when_apr05l 2013, 21:05
Sirco are now friends with 380987515742
11 when_apr04l 2013, 21:04
Sirco are now friends with сава1997
11 when_apr56l 2013, 18:56
Sunshine97 are now friends with сава1997
11 when_apr42l 2013, 18:42
Sunshine97 renewed photo:
11 when_apr35l 2013, 14:35
вера renewed photo:
11 when_apr28l 2013, 14:28
Nastya666194 are now friends with вера
11 when_apr27l 2013, 14:27
вера are now friends with Nastya666194
11 when_apr27l 2013, 14:27
вера are now friends with Rose_V
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